Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Faith can make the impossible possible

Yesterday I happened to read a simple but very effective story and can't stop sharing. It's about a school boy Hari who lived in a small village with his mother. Hari had to cross a jungle everyday while going to and coming back from the school. He was dead scared to walk through the jungle and finally told his mother one day that he shall not go to the school anymore. On knowing the reason his mother said, "My dear son, don't be scared in the jungle, you have an elder brother there, his name is Krishna. Whenever you feel scared or helpless just call him and he shall come to your rescue." Hari felt quite relieved. The next day when he reached the jungle, his hearbeats started soaring up. Suddenly he remebered his mother's words that his brother Krishna was there to help him. Hari called, "Hi brother", there came a sound “Hi brother”. Then Hari said, "I am here", and there came the voice “I am here”. Hari's happiness knew no bounds on listening to his brother's replies.
He went to school and the class teacher asked all the students to get different dishes for the whole class the next day. Hari was told to get curd for the entire class. He felt very low thinking that it was quite difficult to get two square meals for two people at home, how will he be able to get the dish for sixty people. Worriedly he left for home, and on the way he remembered his mother's words again about his brother Krishna. On reaching the jungle he called Krishna saying, "Oh brother! Where are you? Please come here soon, I need your help." No sooner he said that, Krishna appeared there and reassured Hari that he shall get a bowl of curd for all his class-mates tomorrow. Hari had a big sigh of relief.
The next day on reaching the jungle Krishna was ready with a bowl of curd. On seeing the small size of the bowl Hari felt a little dejected, but thanked his brother and went to the school. When he reached the school, even the teacher gave an awkward look when she saw the small bowl. When they start serving the children, to everyone's amazement, the quantity in the bowl remained unchanged. Every child was served from the dish brought by Hari & given by Krishna and the curd still remained intact in the bowl.
Those of us who know about Lord Krishna's friend Sudama's experience of rags to riches on meeting his friend the Almighty Krishna and the tale of Sudama's rice can relate the above story immediately.
The story is nothing but about -
Being in unison with The Almighty
As in the above story, even an echo of one's voice appeared to be His reassurance and undaunting faith made Him come to the child's rescue. Yes, faith and love can make the impossible possible.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Take a good name

I remember a noteworthy message given by one of the head-girls in our school when we were bidding them a farewell almost two decades back. She said- when you leave your Almamater take a good name with you. Your behaviour with teachers, school mates, staff & others should be such that you create a good name for yourself and your family.
A couple of years back from now I got to read a lovely book called ‘Who Shall Cry When You Die?’ Don’t get me wrong, the book is not about dying, it is rather about living a worthy life. The author’s father tells him, "son when you were born, the world was laughing and you were crying; live your life in such a manner that when you die you laugh and the world cries." Nevertheless, the intention behind writing this post is not making anyone cry, but to impress upon, living a worthy life.
Hence the context of the above matter is applicable to everyone and in all the arenas of life- workplace, home, society etc. Whether one is an employee, a professional, student, or a householder, his behaviour should be such, that not only brings him and his family, organization, country a good name but also entitles him to the grace of the Almighty.

A few do’s & don’ts:
-Develop a vision for your own life
-Aspire for higher objectives (self- actualisation)
-Be sincere and committed towards your life and duties
-Be clear-hearted
-Develop a sense of discrimination
-Avoid bad company
-Exercise control over senses
-Introspect yourself regularly and take corrective steps
-Create obstacles for others
-Cheat in any manner (it will be cheating your own self)
-Pull someone down (negative publicity is always in bad taste)
-Indulge in backstabbing, criticising, idle gossip
-Fall prey to erroneous acts for enjoying momentary pleasures
-Miss a single opportunity to help someone

Let's implement the above in our day to day life from this very moment, so that the people around are proud of us and so is the Almighty.

Do leave your comments and subscribe to the blog.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Go to the source

The other day while watching one of musical programmes on television, I was touched by the answer given by AR Rehman, one of the Oscar Prize Winners. When asked from where does he get the inspiration for composing such soulful music, he gave a beautiful answer. He said, “I go to my source for getting inspiration”. These words gave me some food for thought and for this post. What an answer! Going back to one’s source, the divine mentor, the very cause of our existence!
Then I also recalled a wonderful incident about which I was wanting to write since a long time.

In one of the programmes on Human Values, Dr.Art Ung Jumsai, a NASA scientist, Senator, industrialist, etc. who is propagating Education in Human Values (a project undertaken by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba) worldwide narrated a wonderful incident. He shared one of his experiences during meditation- while he was working with NASA on designing a spacecraft that could be sent on Mars, one fine day he viewed the prototype of this space shuttle in meditation. When this prototype was put in shape and sent on Mars it landed successfully there. Everyone amongst the audience was spellbound.
Such is the power of connecting with source. When one starts connecting with one’s source he starts achieving not just worldly accolades but also the abundance of HIS grace. The immediate benefits of this connection-
-Clarity of path
-Clarity of desires/ aspirations---which ones to follow and which ones to abandon
-One emerges stronger
-Gets strength to make the other connections better
-Mind control
-Positive energy
-Control over negativity and self- defeating ideas
-State of bliss
So, let's stay connected with our source:)

Please leave your comments.

The joy of giving

In this 'Joy of giving week', a few ideas given by a local newspaper made me write this post.
Charity begins at home
-Make a conscious effort to make your elders feel good and special. They feel happy to narrate incidents of their times (my granny loves to tell us the various episodes of partition n number of times:)).
-Whatever good you have, is because of them (your parents). Treat them with utmost love and respect. Their blessings will go a long way in making your life a happy one.

Coming back to the joy of giving, I remember an experience shared by a friend a few months back. She was on her way to feeding the underprivileged (a routine activity under Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization’s Narayan Seva programme), when she came across a woman on the street who was in torn clothes and appeared to have lived in starvation for days together. She stopped there and sat down with this famished woman, took out a food packet from her bag and started feeding the lady with her hands. She had tears of joy on seeing this lady quenched with food and love.

Another friend has made it a practice to cook special dishes once a week for the watchmen and other workers in her colony building. She feels on top of the world when she sees them eat whole heartedly.

Someone just narrated a beautiful example- when a farmer sows a single small corn, mother nature gives him bountiful yield of maze that has unlimited corns. Meaning, one good deed comes back manifold (same goes for the reverse too:)).

Other ways of giving:
Baba says-
-If you can’t oblige at least talk obligingly
-Give your forgiveness
-Pray for everyone’s happiness-lokasamasta sukhino bhavantu
The very act of giving will keep you healthy and happy- body & mind. Medical science has reiterated that when we work for a noble cause, our body secretes chemicals that are of healing nature and enhance health and longevity.

So let's find our own ways of giving and staying happy, not just for a week but for ever:)