Recently after being penalised for not putting on the seat belt while driving, I made it a point to put it on irrespective of the area or distance, & now realise that I feel much more comfortable with it. This is because by practice it has become a habit, and a good one. It’s just a matter of self-discipline which should be developed without waiting for someone to come and penalise us. Be it traffic rules, simple things like daily walk, exercise or managing time, once we use self-discipline, the good habit becomes our second nature.
Talking of self-discipline in day to day work and way of working, we shall be able to overcome a lot of time wasters and hence have quality time for so many important things that often get compromised on.
A few time wasters-
1. Lot of Multitasking- Though the modern day work demands a person to be multi-task a lot of times, still a lot of jobs require single minded attention.
2.Having too many windows open on your computer- Being on social networking sites and chats at the time of work.
3. Checking emails every now & then.
4. Checking the stock market every now then.
5. Habit of brooding.
6. Too much of perfection even when not required.
7. Doing other’s jobs at the cost of one’s own.
8. Entertaining all calls and messages at the spur of the moment.
9. Over controlling.
If we learn to differentiate between important, urgent, not so urgent and unimportant activities and decide which activity requires what percent of our time, we’ll see a lot of positive results. Along-with this, if we use a few self-disciplinary measures we can get rid of time wasters and improve our efficiency:
1. List out the work for tomorrow today itself and inform the concerned people about their tasks.
2. List out activities done throughout the day in order of sequence giving time consumed for every work.
3. Check deviations and take corrective measures.
4. Delegate.
5. Respect other’s time, don’t keep people waiting –it’ll not give you extra importance, rather you’ll be tagged as unprofessional.
6. Inform people about cancellation or changes in time schedules for meetings.
7. Stick to the fixed time for every work.
8. Rule out engaging in negative activities- leg pulling, criticising etc.
9. Take lesson from past, plan for future, and live in the present.
If the almighty can manage so many different time zones impeccably, can’t definitely manage just one-our own time, that too for our own benefit?
Please do share your ideas and leave your comments or questions.