Life looks like a hurdle race at times, you clear one hurdle and there stands another one. Certain hurdles are easy to pass, while the others test you really hard. Here are a few examples of the situations that act as spirit and energy testers:
- Your company is reducing flab and you are an easy target
- You have been detected of a serious disease
- People around you at work take undue advantage of your long unavoidable absence
- Someone else is taking credit for your good work and you are being ignored completely
- The anchor of your life has decieved you
I hope and pray that none of these situations come in your life. Though we should hope for the best yet be prepared for the worst. How?
- Don't s react impulsively and don't lose control over yourself
- Try to find a solution
- Talk to someone wise (official or unofficial mentor)
- Think of all possible resources and seek help
- Look at the macro view/ the bigger picture
- Pray, pray and pray
Life is a roller coaster ride, so give your best and enjoy the ride. The control of this ride is in the hands of a flawless controller, HE will never ever fail you.
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