Ignore the negative remarks and opinions of others. Do not react. Give yourself 24 hours, analyze in silence and then, if required, respond. But at the same time, remember that genuine criticism brings progress.
2. Maintain
Maintain balance in life; balance of qualities, efforts and priorities as per requirement.
Maintain balance in life; balance of qualities, efforts and priorities as per requirement.
3. Avoid
Avoid expectations. Remember that expectations are inversely proportional to happiness; higher the expectations, lower the happiness, and vice-versa.
4. Forget
Forget the past. 80% of our thoughts are of the past. If we hold a glass in a hand for 5 minutes, there will be no affect, if we hold it 24 hours, our hand will become stiff and painful it might make us paralytic as well. So, do not hold the past to an extent that it starts damaging.
5. Remember
Remember that life is a game and we all are players. A good batsman gives his best to all kinds of balls and does not run away from the tough ones. Similarly, we must play well in all situations that we come across in life.
6. Stop
Stop being jealous and do not compare yourself with anybody. Surpass your own self.
7. Establish
Establish a true relationship with God. HE alone stands by us in all conditions and situations unconditionally.
The above inputs are from a workshop that was conducted by The Brahmakumari Mission.
Have a lovely week ahead!