In a wonderful workshop that I attended yesterday on Finding
time for yourself & all that matters to you-the Ontological way, a very
important learning that emerged is- when you are powerful within, things
important to you start happening and you also find time for what matters to
Being powerful within, is being empowered. It gets things
done or even created without any force. It comes from the sense of
responsibility and ownership exemplified by you. You might be quite soft spoken
and yet powerful. How does this happen? By-
- Letting go of negativity
- Detachment from a negative situation and if needed people ( not from duty)
- Living in the present-BEING
Those who use force are powerless within; force is the weapon of the meek. Aggression
comes from a place of weakness.
Patience is the virtue of the strong. Love
is the strongest weapon.
May this Navratri Goddess Durga give you
the strength to empower yourself, be patient with the people & things that
matter; infuse love within & exude the same.
Happy Dushehra!