I remember a noteworthy message given by one of the head-girls in our school when we were bidding them a farewell almost two decades back. She said- when you leave your Almamater take a good name with you. Your behaviour with teachers, school mates, staff & others should be such that you create a good name for yourself and your family.
A couple of years back from now I got to read a lovely book called ‘Who Shall Cry When You Die?’ Don’t get me wrong, the book is not about dying, it is rather about living a worthy life. The author’s father tells him, "son when you were born, the world was laughing and you were crying; live your life in such a manner that when you die you laugh and the world cries." Nevertheless, the intention behind writing this post is not making anyone cry, but to impress upon, living a worthy life.
Hence the context of the above matter is applicable to everyone and in all the arenas of life- workplace, home, society etc. Whether one is an employee, a professional, student, or a householder, his behaviour should be such, that not only brings him and his family, organization, country a good name but also entitles him to the grace of the Almighty.
A few do’s & don’ts:
-Develop a vision for your own life
-Aspire for higher objectives (self- actualisation)
-Be sincere and committed towards your life and duties
-Be clear-hearted
-Develop a sense of discrimination
-Avoid bad company
-Exercise control over senses
-Introspect yourself regularly and take corrective steps
-Create obstacles for others
-Cheat in any manner (it will be cheating your own self)
-Pull someone down (negative publicity is always in bad taste)
-Indulge in backstabbing, criticising, idle gossip
-Fall prey to erroneous acts for enjoying momentary pleasures
-Miss a single opportunity to help someone
A couple of years back from now I got to read a lovely book called ‘Who Shall Cry When You Die?’ Don’t get me wrong, the book is not about dying, it is rather about living a worthy life. The author’s father tells him, "son when you were born, the world was laughing and you were crying; live your life in such a manner that when you die you laugh and the world cries." Nevertheless, the intention behind writing this post is not making anyone cry, but to impress upon, living a worthy life.
Hence the context of the above matter is applicable to everyone and in all the arenas of life- workplace, home, society etc. Whether one is an employee, a professional, student, or a householder, his behaviour should be such, that not only brings him and his family, organization, country a good name but also entitles him to the grace of the Almighty.
A few do’s & don’ts:
-Develop a vision for your own life
-Aspire for higher objectives (self- actualisation)
-Be sincere and committed towards your life and duties
-Be clear-hearted
-Develop a sense of discrimination
-Avoid bad company
-Exercise control over senses
-Introspect yourself regularly and take corrective steps
-Create obstacles for others
-Cheat in any manner (it will be cheating your own self)
-Pull someone down (negative publicity is always in bad taste)
-Indulge in backstabbing, criticising, idle gossip
-Fall prey to erroneous acts for enjoying momentary pleasures
-Miss a single opportunity to help someone
Let's implement the above in our day to day life from this very moment, so that the people around are proud of us and so is the Almighty.
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