Monday, December 14, 2015

Life changing effect of Neuro Linguistic Programming

In one of my workshops called, A New Me, while we were using a tool to overcome the strongest negative emotion of the participants, there was one participant who shared his experience post applying the tool. The negative emotion that he wanted to overcome was anger and it had its roots in his early school days where he was beaten by his teacher day in and day out . So much was his anger on that teacher that he had decided to become a teacher and beat every student to quench his sadistic thirst against the fraternity of teachers. I and the entire group were taken aback to know this when he shared that "if I had not attended this workshop I would have become a teacher and beaten up every student." While it was an achievement that the workshop could help him overcome not  just anger, but a latent volcano that was waiting to erupt someday. 

A few points to ponder on:
1. Emotions play a very important role in our lives. They actively or passively affect our personal and professional lives-thought process, behaviour, communication, inter-personal relationships; in addition to health and overall well being.

2. Though on a superficial or conscious level, we think that we have forgotten and or forgiven the errant, but at the sub-conscious level we keep holding the grudge and the pain.

3. Past experiences, especially the negative ones somewhere condition our behaviour and limit our belief system.

While I am a strong believer of a spiritual approach in life, I have found Neuro Linguistic Programming to be highly effective in helping people overcome such negative emotions arising out of a painful past. The scientific brain based tools coupled with the Practitioner or trainer's spiritual approach help the participant in realising the ill effect of holding on to negativity and letting go of the same.

Looking forward to sharing more such experiences soon:)

Have a lovely week!

Remember to leave your comment.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Change your words, change your world!

It has now been proved by science that sound does not get destroyed, it stays in the atmosphere and leaves its effect, good or bad. According to newspaper reports, scientists are also trying to get the original enunciation of Bhagvad Gita as articulated by Shri Krishna on the grounds of Kurukshetra.

While our thoughts determine our words, it is quite interesting to know that the reverse is also true. Our words effect the way we think and feel. Words can make or break our world. While I was doing a course in Neuro Linguistic Programming, the trainer gave a very simple example- when you say I am suffering from cold, you choose the suffering. And when you say this cold is passing through me, you know nothing of suffering. Human brain does not understand pain, it is we who tell the brain that we are in pain and hence feel accordingly. Lot of pain and suffering will go away when we use more positive and less harsh words with ourselves and others.

In our interaction with people, we often forget that they are not result producing machines, there is some element of emotion and sensitivity in them too. While it is natural to have a bout of emotion and anger  at certain times, but then can we expect the person on the receiving end to always be non-reactive and calm. And even if that person is non-reactive, there are many chances that we might lose him soon. He might not react or respond looking at the hierarchy of the relationship, his not so strong hold on the set up or some other reason, but he will always look for ways to avoid us. This someone could also be someone who we think to be our own.It will be an absolutely losing relationship. And such losses can never made up. 

So, change your words, change your world! Time to do some soul searching to see which world we want to create for ourselves.

In the end, just remember that if you cannot help, at least talk helpfully!