While feeling the the winter chill this morning, I felt so relieved to see the sun rays and then a thought just occurred to me that no matter how dark or tough days are, a ray of hope can do great wonders. Then I remembered a friend saying that down in London the winters are so extreme that there is no sunrise for days together and some people survive on anti-depressants during that season. I was taken aback to know this and then realised that we take a lot of things for granted and forget the abundant blessings we have been bestowed upon with.
Coming back to hope, yes it is a wonder drug; it gives the courage to fight the oddest of odds, it gives a reason to look forward to a better season and stay calm in the rough season. It strengthens one's auto immune system and helps one emerge as a winner.
So, find and cling on to that ray of hope, it'll bring a bundle of opportunities and means of getting there too.
Stay hopeful and keep giving your ideas:)
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