I happened to read a lovely article on the power of
blessings in the magazine Life Positive yesterday. The same has inspired me to share
my thoughts.
We come across many situations that seem to be impossible to
handle at that time, yet we get through them smoothly; we come across a severe accident and come out of it without even a scratch; we narrowly escape an
adversity and come unharmed. When we reflect on what happened v/s what could
have happened, do we realize that it was only and only God’s grace that worked
on us?
We, at times take all
the credit and at times share with the people around us, and even extend it to luck.
Do we ever think how the blessings of our elders, or anyone who blessed us
anytime helped us?
Blessings, a good word or earnest prayers and wishes can do
miracles. The power of thoughts and spoken words is being recognized by science
also as, it believes that we all are surrounded by energy fields and thoughts
& words have a positive or negative effect on the energy field around us
and hence we are impacted.
I firmly believe in the wonders blessings can do. God’s grace cannot stop flowing to someone who has
his parents' blessings, blessings of elders or just anyone, who has wished
truly and we have respected the wishes or blessings. Yes, the element of
genuineness on both sides, at the side of giver and receiver has to be there.
The giver has to have sincere feelings and the receiver has to value what the
giver said.
So anyone –a parent, an elder one, a boss, colleague,
helper, maid, even a stranger, anyone–dead or alive, irrespective of hierarchy of
any kind can do beautiful things to our life with his blessings. So, in the new
year let’s do two things right away:
- Bless everyone we come across
- Be deserving of someone’s blessings
Let’s also be thankful for all the blessings
life/ Almighty has bestowed upon us.
Be happy! Have a blessed life!