With the ever rising competition, companies are using various softer ways of managing and motivating workforce. Let's have a look at two such methods.
1. Office Buddy
A new joinee is introduced to an existing employee, who now happens to be his collegue and is formally made his office buddy. This buddy not just helps him to come in sync with the prevalent systems and processes in the organisation, but also aids him on the personal fron by helping him fetch an accomodation, vehicle etc if required. This buddy becomes the first point of contact for the new joinee if he has any problem in settling down in work. A few MNCs and large corporates are trying this concept are are finding it successful in making the freshers smoothly sail through the teething troubles that crop up on joining a new organization.
2. Mentoring
The concept of mentoring has been in the corporate world since quite some time.
In general parlance, mentor means a friend, philosopher & guide. When we talk in context of a corporate organization, the same meaning holds true when an emplyee needs to undergo the process of learning on the job. Usually his boss or a senior (in terms of knowledge or experience) plays the role of a mentor. He is responsible for grooming the employee for his job.
Whether it's a mentor or office buddy, the concept helps the organization and the people concerned in the following ways:
Saves resources
Reduces errors
Provides role clarity
Checks deviation from goals
Improves communication
Keeps employee morale high
Enhances learning
Yields better results
Helps in self-development of both the parties
Strengthens relationships
Reduces attrition
I am sure we all must have had and still have buddies and mentors in our lives- both professional and personal. I will always remember those peers who helped me not only understand the customized softwares and cumbersome operations, but also in getting things like getting an identity card, canteen coupon etc. which seemed as humungous tasks in a new organization in a new city. Yes they were informal office buddies. I will always be thankful to those seniors who gave their time and effort in making me understand every item of a project report, a balance sheet and its implications, along-with a lot of other work relating things.
We have buddies, philosophers and guides in the forms of friends, cousins, parents and other close ones who play significant and positive roles in our lives. Similar concepts when replicated at work place, shall prove to be highly effective.
I shall get a sense of completion for this post only when I add that, the ultimate mentor & buddy in our lives is God Almighty. When we realise this and act accordingly, sucess shall be all ours.
Please give your views and throw some light on the innovations being made for boosting employee morale and productivity.