Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Inspirational lessons from the life of Steve Jobs

Though the morning newspaper gave the sad news of death of a genius, but after going through the details which gave an insight into the troughs and ups of his life, I was left with nothing less than a high dose of motivation and learning from the life of Steve Jobs.
For someone born to an unwed college girl, adopted by labour parents, could anyone imagine that Steve Jobs would leave a mark not just in the tech world, but on all of us? Guess not!
So here are a few inspirational lessons from the life of Steve Jobs:
1. Don’t let any force or circumstance suppress your creative talent.
2. Put wings to your thoughts (positive ones of course) they’ll make you fly.
3. Find the love of your life and love your work.
4. Learn to fight out all odds, no matter what their size and number be.
5. Failures come in life only to take you higher to a place that you deserve.
6. Don’t ever give up even in the worst of crisis.
7. When on a dead end, carve new ways.
8. Constraints and problems are nowhere, but in your mind.
9. Don’t run away from your responsibilities.
10. Best of ideas come when the mind is calm and quiet.
11. Life becomes very easy when one follows the path of spirituality. When on a spiritual quest, one gets all the answers.
12. Live on a daily basis and give your best to life.
13. Always follow your heart and listen to your inner voice.
14. Nothing stays forever.
15. Never say die; face life victoriously even in the face of death.
16. Leave a good name behind and stay in people's hearts forever.
Your ideas and comments are very valuable. Please do share them :)