today’s time, stress seems to be an inevitable part of life. Be it work or relationships, there are situations that are difficult and strenuous
to deal with. Yet at times I wonder if we have formed a compulsive habit of
being under stress or performing better under stress. Maybe yes. Having said
that, we can not close our eyes to the ill effects of stress on our body, mind
and entire life. It not just a cause of many fatal diseases, but is also
antithesis to the very purpose of our being- being happy. Is the purpose of
life not to be happy? Yes, it is in all respects, what use is the wealth, fame
and achievement if one is not happy. But how does one do this? Be happy despite
all tension and volatility in work & people’s moods? Yes, it is possible
and doable.
yourself that this too shall pass. No matter how difficult the situation be, it
is difficult only for the time being; and it has come to you because you are
the one who can handle it well. Even if the whole world including yourself has
a doubt on your ability, someone up there has full faith in you and will work
with you if you hold on to Him with utmost faith that in the end all will be
well for you.
2. Strengthen
just one relationship- the relationship with Almighty. If this one relationship
is strong, rest all relationships and things will fall in place. And for this
again, patience and faith are the key words. Let no problem daunt your
relationship with God. Share with Him
every minutest thought and pray earnestly not just for resolving your hardships
but for His grace. Come what may make sure this relationship is serenely unscathed.
Stay happy, be stressfree:)