So if you are convinced that it is important to be associated in wise so as to be victorious in life, read on.......
How to associate yourself with the wise? It’s quite simple. Just a few interesting points that can be adopted in our day to day life.
1. Cultivate the habit of reading
A famous tennis player was once asked that how did he become so successful in his game. Can you imagine the reply? He said that when he started play, he used to play against his seniors who were quite successful in their game. As a result, he gave his best shot and with every game he started improving on his best shots and became a world class player. Though this example can be related in a lot many ways, let’s stick to reading for the time being. When we read something motivational, creative- like, biographies of achievers (who were once losers), books on self development, good fiction etc, our thoughts get the wings to give nothing but the best shot, we learn to look beyond constraints and think of soaring like an eagle. So, cultivate the habit of reading, be it –Swami Vivekanand, Warren Buffet, Ayn Rand or Dale Carnegie, motivational quotes..just anything effective. Start and end your day with reading something positively impactful.
2. Make a list of people who have influenced you
I’m sure all of us are influenced by some or the other person at some or the other time. He/she could be anyone from Amitabh Bachhan to Sachin Tendulkar to Barrack Obama-just anyone who has influenced you.
Now let’s do a small exercise- on a blank sheet of paper make three columns:
a) Name of the person who has influenced you b) What do you like in him/ her c) How can you imbibe his/her qualities. I can tell you some of the common qualities that would come up- commitment to oneself and one’s goals, self discipline, zest to keep moving. You make your own list and paste it where it is visible and legible every day.
3. Get a coach/ mentor
Someone who inspires you, helps you find a path when you lose one, guides you; he/ she could be a family member, friend, friend’s family member, neighbour, senior in office/ college/ school, teacher, just anyone with the above abilities. Then,
- Spend some time with such a person regularly
- Discuss your goals and plan of action
- When in problem, seek his/her advice
- Try to imbibe the qualities you like in him/her
4. Get rid of negative thoughts/ emotions
Oh they take all the energy away, please get rid of negative thoughts/ emotions asap. Is it possible? Sure......- Repeat self affirming thoughts like, I shall not give up, I shall not feel de-motivated, I shall not get angry, I shall give my best etc. every morning and as and when required.
- Make a list of your blessings-who and what you have.
- Say a mantra, prayer; imagine the picture of someone/ something you adore when feeling negative. A lot more in on Positive Attitude in the forthcoming blogs..
5. Get connected with nature and or God
Observing a rainbow, a flock of birds, beautiful sky, sunshine gives not only a sense of joy and serenity, but also adds to the creativity and abundance within us.Last, but most important, make a connection with the SUPREME LORD. Is it too early, difficult, boring? NO. The sooner we start, easier and interesting will our life be and victory shall be guaranteed. How do we make that connection?
- Listen to your inner voice.
- Talk to GOD as you talk to a dear one.
- Introspect and be ready to correct yourself seeking HIS help.
- SURRENDER not to the circumstances or failures, but to HIM.
- Pray- for others and yourself.
Agree with Deepali fully.
The way we approach life depends upon the company we keep and if associated with the wise, most probably the thoughts that lead to behaviour and what turns to culture will have the basics from the company one keeps.
I feel that of the 6 Billion or so people on earth a major share is in the "wise" category, a negligible account for the rest and the reason why world moves on in Kaliyuga, is just because of this.
Dear Deepali, birds of a feather do flock together, through constant association of the wise, some of the wisdom would rub off to the ones coming forth, pleasure to gain your association and looking forward to your upcoming posts.
Deepali Ji,
I was just talking to one of our friends on the same topic. This article helped me to put across my views and projections with more clarity and understanding. Keep Writing..
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