Last week, I participated in a Startup Summit organised by an NGO called National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN ) and a B-school - Indore Professional Studies Academy (IPSA). The purpose of the Summit was to provide a common platform to budding and successful entrepreneurs to interact with each other.
I got the chance of moderating a session on Cleantech Startups -Profiting from Green – Beyond Barriers. The participants were highly experienced, learned, dynamic professionals who took the plunge of leaving high profile jobs for the sake of creating a cleaner and greener environment and proving their entrepreneurial mettle. It was my first chance as a moderator and the experience was excellent. These guys are doing brilliant work – a) providing pollution free conveyance, b) generating off grid power from unconventional resources c) manufacturing great power saving devices . The ideas are really unique and can bring a radical improvement in the environment. Please do visit their websites.
As it happens with pioneers, there are some roadblocks -lack of support as promised by government, funding agencies; financial crunch (after exhausting personal resources), mockery and leg pulling by peers and so on. There are moments when one feels like giving up and going back to a job that promises uninterrupted flow of income specially when he is not able to fulfil a demand or requirement put forth by a family member. What should be done at such times?

Keep your spirits high. All the very best.
Excellent post!
and as it says.. believe in ur dreams !!
Nice One.
Winners never quit and quitters never win... as simple as it goes
Entrepreneuurship - beyond barriers is exactly the spirit which led to the development of the idbiznet web site: have a look at
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