Is there any bank that credits a balance of 86400 in your account at the start of everyday and nullifies the same by the end of the day?
NATURE is one such bank that provides 86400 seconds every day and by the end of the day, nullifies the balance. Whether we use/ misuse/ do not use the balance, not a single second is carried forward. But the way we use the balance determines our success or failure in the journey of life. Assuming average life span to be 80 years, we all can calculate how much of this balance have we spent (used / misused) and how much are we left with.

So, is time management important? I’m sure everyone would reply in the affirmative. Be it the biggest political figure, a filmstar, CEO, student, housewife, just anyone and everyone needs to manage time effectively so as to enjoy the journey of life and reach the destination. How? A few tips-
Set worthy and SMART goals (more on goal setting in the coming posts).
Set priorities in light of your goals-learn to differentiate between important, urgent, not important and not urgent activities.
Keep your time log- analyze current expenditure of time (note down every activity time-wise-from the moment you get up till the time you go to sleep).
Re-allocate time to important activities and do include reading, spending time with family, doing things that make you feel healthy & good in body, mind and soul (exercise, a game, a hobby, meditation, a selfless deed, meeting friends).
Begin with the end in mind and plan for some slippage .
Keep a clean desk and well-organized systems, but don't be obsessive.
Never try to eat an elephant all in one go, (ie break very big tasks down into doable chunks).
Use waiting time effectively- a couple of years ago we used to carry word lists, numeric exercises etc. as MBA aspirants while going to a bank/ doctor/ a place where we were required to spend time waiting for someone or for our turn, and it paid. If you are a student, try this out; if you are a professional, use this time to catch up with a close one.
Introspect- before going to bed everyday, sit for a while and look at what you’ve been doing the whole day. If there is anything that you should not have done, just say 'cut' like the editor of a film and promise yourself not to repeat it tomorrow.
In the end, just a phrase for those who have a typical brooding habit.
Past is history, future is mystery; this moment is a gift, that is why it is called PRESENT. So give yourself the best gift by making the best use of the Present.
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