Thursday, January 28, 2016

Energy Audit

 To save the environment and finances, companies and even some households carry out energy audit. This helps them keep a check on use and misuse of energy and helps in preserving the scarce resources.
Can we do a similar exercise for our energy-physical as well as mental? Can we carry out our own energy audit? Yes, we can and we should.
Whatever outcome we get in life is mostly a result of our investment of energy. So we need to check two things:

 1. Mental energy-What kind of thoughts are occupying our mental space? Is our mind full of waste thoughts-thoughts of worry, fear, anxiety, anger, hatred, jealousy? Are most of our thoughts about the past or the future? Now just imagine if the place where we live or work is full of waste, will we be productive, be able to do what we want to do? Similarly, if the mental space is occupied by wasteful thoughts, will we be productive or creative? Never. 

2. Physical energy-Actions and words need to be in sync with thoughts otherwise there will again be a seepage of energy. 

Hence it is very important that we carry out a regular audit of our own energy. Just two simple steps:
1. After every few hours, check your thoughts. If they are negative/ wasteful just navigate consciously towards the positive and productive thoughts.

2. Before going to bed carry out a brief exercise of self introspection-visualize everything done in the day like a film. Something will be right, something will be not so right. Whatever is not so right, just edit it- say cut, cut, cut and promise not to repeat it.

These small exercises will help us channelize our energy in the right direction. And when our thoughts, words and actions synchronize in the right direction, right energy is produced and somewhere the law of attraction works and nature conspires to work with and for us:)

Have a lovely weekend!


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