Tuesday, June 21, 2016

What is it that you want?

In life, you get what you really want. Is it? Yes, it is.
There are two things that work:
1.   When you truly, dearly, passionately, badly want something, all your efforts are dedicated in that direction

2.   Somewhere the law of attraction also starts working. Nature conspires to complement your efforts.
Does that mean what you do not get, you did not try enough?
Well, yes and no.

1.   Yes because probably you could have tried it somewhat differently; you could have persisted a little more. Perhaps you gave up a bit early. Remember the story of the little boy who wanted to climb the giant Mount Everest? After trying for years and not being able to make it, he one day said- "Look Mr Mount Everest, now you cannot grow taller but I am both taller and bigger than before".....

Life is indeed like a hurdle race, you cross one and there’s another one to welcome you. As you grow big, so do your hurdles. However, beyond a certain point, hurdles stop bothering because you are so well equipped to handle them. With every problem or failure there is a success story as well, that of getting a new learning, facing the problem or the failure.

Life keeps testing our patience and persistence and gives us two options- either give up or make it till there.

2.   No, because something else was planned by nature/ supreme power/ God which was for your own betterment in the larger scheme of things. Or it was purely as per the law of karma or deeds.
So, what we get is purely the causal effect of our efforts and deeds.
What is now important? The basic what, how, whys-

Know what you want
Know why you want it
What are you willing to do for it
How will it affect you-positively & negatively
To conclude, I get 3 key learnings from the above written matter:
1.   Know your priorities very very clearly. There will be numerous occasions when you will have to reprioritize. What you need to remember is what is NOT a priority at every point of time; and what is it which, if everything else is lost will keep you happy.
2.   Adhere to self made boundaries, that is, know your non-negotiables- values, dignity, self respect?
3.   Once you are clear on point no 1 & 2,go all out- body, mind and soul to do what you want to do.
Last but not the least, always listen to your inner voice/ gut feeling/ sixth sense.
All the very best!
Do share your feedback and join me on www.deepali-enlightenment.blogspot.in
Have a wonderful week!



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