Thursday, December 7, 2017

Self Appreciation­- Empowerment Series

While the soul is free from appreciation or criticism, it is the mortal being in each one of us that craves for appreciation, that too external. Abraham Maslow in his theory of hierarchy of needs in motivation places ‘Recognition’ in the middle, just before Self esteem. Indeed recognition and appreciation do give a boost to  self esteem. That’s also where we talk of the power of positive words as they can make or break a person.

Having said, the fact is that forget appreciation, many a times there is no acknowledgement also because we get so used to taking people and things for granted and everything starts becoming just another piece of responsibility, be it at work or home. A friend recently shared that when she said “thank you Laxmi! Thank you for coming at 6 in the morning and cooking for us, my son (a special child) makes it to school on time with his 2 tiffins only because of you” to her cook, Laxmi was so elated and then her commitment levels increased like never before.

While Laxmi got her due credit, what about us? Are we somewhere taking ourselves for granted too? Do we recognize our own self worth? Do we ever sit to think about what all good we do?; we handle a multitude of responsibilities and take so much in our stride, at times emerge with a new learning...
Don’t we have a responsibility towards our own selves? After all if you want to keep other happy, keep yourself happy first. If the self is not happy and empowered, it can never spread happiness and positivity and everything will appear as a drudgery or mere responsibility.

As we move toward the New Year let’s sit back and recall the good things we did, appreciate ourselves and approach the New Year with a sense of  delight . This will not just make us happy, it will also inspire us to continue doing good with a sense of inner joy.

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